Sunday, November 1, 2009

Indexing Web 2.0 Properties Fast

So here I am - my sig links are not indexing my sites fast enough. I placed these signature links on such sites as HTMLForums - however, I have not tried DP as of yet. HTMLForums came in good for me once, but the page I'm trying to get indexed now - no dice. It's been two weeks and still no index.

I'm also trying to index my newest link - - not sure if it will work. If anyone out there in knows how to get your sites indexed quickly - please respond. This is more of an SOS I guess.

Also - I tried pingomatic and pingler - still no dice. I've tried SMB sites like Digg - nada. So bottome line - I need to get these sites indexed as quickly as possible - if you have any good experiences, let me know.